Document:Synergy MIDI Tracker - Keyboard Shortcuts

1 Table of Contents

2 General

Synergy supports keyboard shortcuts for most of its functions. It is highly recommended to memorize at least the most commonly used ones in order to speed up the workflow.

2.1 US keyboard layout

All keyboard shortcuts assume a US keyboard layout.
The key names for german keyboards are stated in the comments.
a real US keyboard has no < key (between lshift and z). Please set UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less = true; in synergy_config.tks (default setting). / can then be used to e.g. clear events in the tracker editor. This also works on Windows with german or UK keyboards.

2.2 Triadic keyboard shortcuts

lctrl - x initiates a triadic keyboard shortcut sequence.
For example, lctrl - x s means press lctrl and x at the same time, release both keys and then press s.
Holding lctrl for around half a second (without pressing a third key) will show a reminder dialog.
Some triadic shortcuts can be repeated after releasing x while still holding lctrl.

2.3 Page commands

Some pages support additional (text-) commands which may not be accessible in the UI by other means.
Type lctrl-` to set the input focus to the status bar command text field, then type TAB or DOWN to view a list of available commands.
By right-clicking the command text field, a list of default actions is shown. Holding any modifier key while selecting a default action will execute it immediately.

2.3.1 Disable dead keys on Linux

As root, edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/<your country code> (e.g. de) and replace dead_acute by acute, dead_grave by grave, circumflex by asciicircum.

3 Global

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - `Focuses status bar command text field (lctrl - ^ on german kbd)
F3Select previous MIDI morph scene A
F4Select next MIDI morph scene A
F5Select previous MIDI morph scene B
F6Select next MIDI morph scene B
F7Select previous MIDI morph scene C
F8Select next MIDI morph scene C
F9Select previous MIDI morph scene D
F10Select next MIDI morph scene D
lalt - F3Select previous MIDI morph scene E
lalt - F4Select next MIDI morph scene E
lalt - F5Select previous MIDI morph scene F
lalt - F6Select next MIDI morph scene F
lalt - F7Select previous MIDI morph scene G
lalt - F8Select next MIDI morph scene G
lalt - F9Select previous MIDI morph scene H
lalt - F10Select next MIDI morph scene H
lshift - F1Show Audio Recorder dialog (Eureka audio tracks)
lshift - F2Show Audio LiveRec dialog (Eureka sample live-recording)
(note) lctrl - a switches to tracker audio dialog when tracker editor is visible, lctrl - x c returns focus to pattern editor
lshift - F3Show Delay Calculator dialog
lshift - F10Show standard MIDI file (SMF) export dialog
lshift - F11Show Tiny Synergy Replay (TSR) export dialog
F12Toggle metronome click
lshift - F12Toggle Map-SysEx-Out-Channel-1-events-to-Play-frame (prioritize Eureka sampler playback)
lctrl - lshift - F12Toggle MIDI time code (MTC)
lctrl - x (NUMPAD) +Show BPM dialog
(NUMPAD) ENTERStart / Stop replay
(NUMPAD) lshift - ENTERStart / Stop replay and send / don't send MMC record event(s)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x ENTERSend "undo" note-on message to DAW (must be mapped in DAW, see config.midi_daw_remote_ctl_dev)
\=Start / Stop replay (alternative key)
(´ on german kbds)
lshift - \=Start / Stop replay and send / don't send MMC record event(s) (alternative key)
(lshift - ´ on german kbds)
lctrl - x \=Send "undo" note-on message to DAW (must be mapped in DAW, see config.midi_daw_remote_ctl_dev)
(NUMPAD) 1Transport: Go to previous bar
(NUMPAD) 2Transport: Go to next bar
(NUMPAD) 3Transport: Toggle cycle/loop
(NUMPAD) 4Transport: Go to previous marker
(NUMPAD) 6Transport: Go to next marker
(NUMPAD) 7Transport: Go to previous beat
(NUMPAD) 9Transport: Go to next beat
(NUMPAD) /Transport: Decrease cycle length
(NUMPAD) *Transport: Increase cycle length
(NUMPAD) .Transport: Save scratch marker
(NUMPAD) 0Transport: Load scratch marker
(NUMPAD) 5Transport: Load marker (key 0..9 follows)
(NUMPAD) 8Transport: Save marker (key 0..9 follows)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - lshift - 1Move to previous clip start (parent arranger)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - lshift - 2Move to next clip start (parent arranger)
lctrl - lshift - PAGEDOWNMove to previous clip start (parent arranger)
lctrl - lshift - PAGEUPMove to next clip start (parent arranger)
(NUMPAD) -Decrease BPM (beats per minute)
(NUMPAD) lshift - -Half BPM (beats per minute)
(NUMPAD) +Increase BPM (beats per minute)
(NUMPAD) lshift - +Double BPM (beats per minute)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 1Show pipemap page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 2Show preferences page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 3Show current node editor page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 4Show MIDI devices setup page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 5Show project page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 6Show MIDI map page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 7Show piperoot page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 8Show current pipe page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 9Show audiotool page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - 0Show SysEx page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - ENTERShow MIDI input monitor page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - +Show MIDI output monitor page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - -Show SubSongs page
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 0Select multi-scene 1 OR subsong 0 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 1Select multi-scene 2 OR subsong 1 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 2Select multi-scene 3 OR subsong 2 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 3Select multi-scene 4 OR subsong 3 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 4Select multi-scene 5 OR subsong 4 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 5Select multi-scene 6 OR subsong 5 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 6Select multi-scene 7 OR subsong 6 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 7Select multi-scene 8 OR subsong 7 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 8Select multi-scene 9 OR subsong 8 (main)
(NUMPAD) lctrl - x 9Select multi-scene 10 OR subsong 9 (main)
bGo to previous page (back) (deprecated)
nGo to next page (forward) (deprecated)
qGo to previous or parent page (deprecated)
gForce global MIDI map context (as long as key is held down)
lctrl - mEdit current MIDI map context
lctrl - sToggle pipe solo
lctrl - dToggle node solo
lctrl - lshift - dToggle node mute
right menu keyToggle keyboard focus selection mode
`: (once)Edit controller aliases
(^ on german kbd)
`: (twice)Edit current MIDI morph scene
(^ on german kbd)
RIGHT MENU KEYToggle keyboard focus selection mode
ESCGo to previous or parent page / cancel dialog
lctrl - x ESCOpen "stop" menu
lctrl - x xBring Eureka window to front (if process is running)
lshift - qQuit application (dialog)
Global keyboard shortcuts

4 Bezier Edit

Key SequenceDescription
lshift modifierScale ctlpoint length
lctrl modifierctr-point selected: Shrink/Expand surrounding points
lctrl modifierctl-point selected: Toggle symmetry lock
lalt modifierPan (when zoomed in)
MMB-dragPan (when zoomed in)
lctrl - yUndo (lctrl - z on german kbd)
lctrl - lshift - yRedo (lctrl - lshift - z on german kbd)
lctrl - SPACEReset Zoom
lctrl - lshift-SPACEToggle Draw Envelope ("true 2d mode")
wheel UPSelect next point
wheel DOWNSelect previous point
LEFTSelect towards-previous ctl-point
RIGHTSelect towards-next ctl-point
UPSelect next center point
DOWNSelect previous center point
lalt - wheel UPZoom In X
iZoom In X
lalt - wheel DOWNZoom Out X
oZoom Out X
lalt - lctrl - wheel UPZoom In Y
lalt - lctrl - wheel DOWNZoom Out Y
DELETEDelete selected point(s)
fFlip X
lshift - fFlip Y
gToggle Grid
lshift - gToggle Grid Subdivision
mToggle Smooth-Edit Mode
lshift - mToggle Smooth-Edit XDist only
lctrl - mToggle Smooth-Edit Ctl or Ctr Point Distance
nSmooth All (10%)
lshift - nSmooth All (5%)
lctrl - nSmooth All (25%)
lctrl - lshift - nSmooth All (50%)
Bezier Edit keyboard shortcuts

5 Pages

5.1 PipeMap

Key SequenceDescription
UPSelect previous pipe
DOWNSelect next pipe
LEFTSelect previous pipe or node
RIGHTSelect next pipe or node
lshift - HOMESelect first node
lshift - ENDSelect last node
lctrl - LEFTSelect current pipe
lctrl - RIGHTSelect last node in current pipe
PAGEUPSelect first node
PAGEDOWNSelect last node
lshift - PAGEUPSelect next action
lshift - PAGEDOWNSelect previous action
1Select EXEC action
2Select EDIT action
3Select MUTE action
4Select SOLO action
5Select MOVE action
rShow pipe root
aShow pipe or node context menu
sToggle pipe or node solo
lctrl - sToggle pipe solo
dToggle pipe or node mute
lctrl - dToggle pipe mute
eEdit current pipe
INSERTInsert new pipe or node
lshift - INSERTClone pipe or node
DELETEDelete pipe or node
lshift - LEFTMove node to the left
lshift - RIGHTMove node to the right
lshift - UPMove pipe up
lshift - DOWNMove pipe down
wSelect next instrument-type node
lshift - aSelect next arranger-enabled node
fSelect next arranger node
lctrl - lshift - cEdit node comment
HOMESelect next used node pattern
ENDSelect previous used node pattern
(NUMPAD) lshift - 1Select used node pattern #1
(NUMPAD) lshift - 2Select used node pattern #2
(NUMPAD) lshift - 3Select used node pattern #3
(NUMPAD) lshift - 4Select used node pattern #4
(NUMPAD) lshift - 5Select used node pattern #5
(NUMPAD) lshift - 6Select used node pattern #6
(NUMPAD) lshift - 7Select used node pattern #7
(NUMPAD) lshift - 8Select used node pattern #8
(NUMPAD) lshift - 9Select used node pattern #9
(NUMPAD) lshift - 0Select empty pattern (--\/)
RCTRLArm node for recording (press again to disarm)
RSHIFT(Re-)Start global recording (armed nodes). When recording is already active, undo + restart.
lctrl - yUndo
(lctrl - z on german kbd)
lctrl - x RCTRLToggle global recording pre-count
lctrl - x tShow new-node dialog
tShow new-node dialog (preselect )
lctrl - TABShow SysEx editor page
PipeMap Page keyboard shortcuts

5.2 Pipe

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - lshift - UPShow previous pipe
lctrl - lshift - DOWNShow next pipe
aToggle show-in-arranger state of selected node
d(Un-)mute selected node
s(Un-)solo selected node
rShow pipe root
eEdit selected node
qAuto-assign automation port A from node class (show class selector)
INSERTCreate new node
lshift - INSERTClone selected node
DELETEDelete selected node
lctrl - lshift - cToggle remark editor
lshift - nSet keyboard focus to pipe name widget
Pipe Page keyboard shortcuts

6 Nodes

6.1 Common

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - lshift - LEFTSelect previous node
lctrl - lshift - RIGHTSelect next node
lctrl - lshift - UPSelect previous pipe
lctrl - lshift - DOWNSelect next pipe
lctrl - gEnter pattern number
HOMESelect next edit+play pattern (+1)
lctrl - HOMESelect next edit+play pattern group (+4)
lctrl - lshift - HOMESelect next used pattern
ENDSelect previous edit+play pattern (-1)
lctrl - ENDSelect previous edit+play pattern group (-4)
lctrl - lshift - ENDSelect previous used pattern
lctrl - x 1Set pipenode A
lctrl - x 2Set pipenode B
lctrl - x dToggle pattern manager
lctrl - x zJump between pipenodes A / B
(lctrl - x y on german kbd)
lctrl - x ENDGlobal program change (master pipe, auto dev+ch A)
lctrl - x HOMEGlobal program change (master pipe, auto dev+ch B)
lctrl - lshift - cEdit node comment
lctrl - x uFocus node name widget
lctrl - cCopy pattern to clipboard
lctrl - wCut pattern to clipboard
lctrl - vPaste pattern clipboard
lshift - nEdit pattern name (focus textfield widget)
lctrl - rClone pattern (4)
lctrl - lshift - rClone pattern (1)
lctrl - x F3Delete pattern
lctrl - sSolo pipe
lctrl - dSolo node (within pipe)
lctrl - lshift - sMute pipe
lctrl - lshift - dMute node
(NUMPAD) lshift - 1Select used node pattern #1
(NUMPAD) lshift - 2Select used node pattern #2
(NUMPAD) lshift - 3Select used node pattern #3
(NUMPAD) lshift - 4Select used node pattern #4
(NUMPAD) lshift - 5Select used node pattern #5
(NUMPAD) lshift - 6Select used node pattern #6
(NUMPAD) lshift - 7Select used node pattern #7
(NUMPAD) lshift - 8Select used node pattern #8
(NUMPAD) lshift - 9Select used node pattern #9
(NUMPAD) lshift - 0Select empty pattern (—/)
Common Node Editor keyboard shortcuts

6.2 Arranger

6.2.1 General

Key SequenceDescription
1Select Scene tab
2Select Pattern tab
3Select Timeline tab
4Select Play tab
Arranger Node Editor: General keyboard shortcuts

6.2.2 Timeline Tool Selection

Key SequenceDescription
qSelect Select / Move tool
wSelect Draw tool
eSelect Erase tool
rSelect Razor tool
tSelect Mute tool
Arranger Node Editor: Timeline Tool Selection keyboard shortcuts

6.2.3 Timeline (Common)

Key SequenceDescription
RETURNEdit first selected clip (same as RMB-click)
lshift - RETURNEdit sample associated with audio clip (same as MMB-click) (Eureka sample page)
CURSOR keysSelect clips (+shift to add to selection, +lctrl to select on all tracks)
lshift - CURSORExpand selection
lctrl - x eToggle edge-selection mode (move to start/end before selecting prev/next clip)
xToggle grid-cursor / selection-cursor keyboard modes
lctrl - LEFTGrid cursor mode: move cursor left (modulo 4)
lctrl - RIGHTGrid cursor mode: move cursor right (modulo 4)
lctrl - LEFTSelection cursor mode: Go to marker clip start or previous marker
lctrl - RIGHTSelection cursor mode: Go to next marker
lctrl - lalt - LEFTGo to marker clip start or previous marker
lctrl - lalt - RIGHTGo to next marker
lctrl - cCopy selected clips to clipboard
lctrl - vPaste clips from clipboard (overwrite)
lctrl - lshift - vPaste clips from clipboard (insert silence / move following clips)
zSwitch between marker track and regular track
(y on german kbd)
lshift - zY-Expand selection (toggle)
(lshift - y on german kbd)
lctrl - UPY-Expand selection (upper becomes cursor track)
lctrl - DOWNY-Expand selection (lower becomes cursor track)
lctrl - LEFT / RIGHTSelection-cursor mode: select left / right clips on all tracks
lctrl - lshift - LEFT / RIGHTGrid-cursor-cursor mode: expand selection left / right and align (modulo 4)
INSERTInsert silence
lshift - INSERTInsert silence (all tracks)
DELETEDelete selected clips or insert silence when there's no selection
lshift - DELETEDelete selected clips and move OR delete on all tracks in grid-cursor mode
lctrl - DELETEDelete selected clips (muted only)
lctrl - lshift - DELETEDelete selected clips and move (muted only)
lctrl - aSelect all track clips (when clip is selected), then all clips, then none
lctrl - x aSet selected clip lengths to pattern lengths
cLoop selected clip(s)
lctrl - x lSet left loop locator
lctrl - x rSet right loop locator
lshift - cSet cursor to loop start / end
fCenter display to replay offset (follow)
lctrl - lshift - fCycle through auto-follow modes (off, paged, smooth)
lctrl - fToggle zoom to selected clip(s)
lshift - fToggle show-all
lctrl - x fToggle Force (override multi-clip properties) mode
gChoose pattern for selected clip(s) (popup)
lctrl - gClear audio clip sample + queue audio recording (liverec-enabled audio clip sample)
lctrl - lshift -gQueue audio recording (liverec-enabled audio clip sample)
dToggle track mute (last selected clip track)
lshift - dToggle mute all tracks
sToggle track solo (last selected clip track)
hToggle track lock (last selected clip track)
lshift - lInvert track locks
lctrl - lClear track locks
lctrl - hAlign selected clips to grid
mShow / hide marker track
pSelect next play mode (cycle)
lshift - pSelect previous play mode (cycle)
lshift - sToggle snap-to-grid
vInsert snapshot of currently playing pattern (current track)
lshift - vInsert snapshot of currently playing patterns (all tracks)
lctrl - nInsert unused pattern (group) at cursor position (or after last selected clip)
lctrl - lshift - nInsert unused pattern (sub) at cursor position (or after last selected clip)
lctrl - rClone last selected clip + pattern
lctrl - lshift - rClone last selected clip + pattern (sub)
lshift - HOMEGo to start (offset 0)
lshift - ENDGo to loop start
lctrl - HOMEIncrement pattern nr of selected clips by +4
HOMEIncrement pattern nr of selected clips by +1
lctrl - ENDDecrement pattern nr of selected clips by -4
ENDDecrement pattern nr of selected clips by -1
lctrl - lshift - HOMESelect next used pattern nr (selected clips)
lctrl - lshift - ENDSelect previous used pattern nr (selected clips)
SPACEStart / stop replay
lctrl - SPACEStop replay and don't rewind to start offset
lshift - SPACEQueue play position (same as LMB-dblclick)
RCTRLToggle clip mute+patternr state recording
lshift - RCTRLCopy clip mute+patternnr state from arranger (at edit offset)
aShow tools and options menu
lshift - aFocus grid size widget
lshift - [Zoom out (WHEEL up)
(lshift - ü on german kbd)
lshift - ]Zoom in (WHEEL down)
(lshift - + on german kbd)
lctrl - ]Increase track size
(lshift - + on german kbd)
lctrl - /Decrease track size
(lshift - - on german kbd)
lctrl - x sToggle main / scratch timelines
Arranger Node Editor: Timeline Common keyboard shortcuts

6.3 Tracker

6.3.1 Edit

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - eOpen Edit pulldown menu
rctrlToggle edit mode
backspaceToggle relative shift mode
lshift - ]Zoom in
(lshift - ü on german kbd)
lshift - [Zoom out
(lshift - + on german kbd)
' or fToggle zoom preset
(ä on german kbd)
lshift - aEnter step resolution / zoom (focus widget)
lshift - dEnter default note duration (focus widget)
lshift - gEnter step number
lctrl - 0Set step advance to 0 steps
lctrl - 1Set step advance to 1 step
lctrl - 2Set step advance to 2 steps
lctrl - 3Set step advance to 3 steps
lctrl - 4Set step advance to 4 steps
lctrl - 5Set step advance to 5 steps
lctrl - 6Set step advance to 6 steps
lctrl - 7Set step advance to 7 steps
lctrl - 8Set step advance to 8 steps
lctrl - 9Advance to next event after editing a step
lctrl - lshift - 0Set micro-shift to 96 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 1Set micro-shift to 1 tick
lctrl - lshift - 2Set micro-shift to 2 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 3Set micro-shift to 3 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 4Set micro-shift to 4 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 5Set micro-shift to 6 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 6Set micro-shift to 8 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 7Set micro-shift to 12 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 8Set micro-shift to 24 ticks
lctrl - lshift - 9Set micro-shift to 48 ticks
lctrl - x aSelect instrument under cursor OR show audio dialog
(note) lctrl - a switches to AudioLiveRec dialog
lctrl - x oToggle chord clear-step mode
lctrl - x tStart / stop tap mode
lctrl - tCollapse pattern to scratch and start tap mode
lctrl - u
lshift - 1
Copy controller port+type to ModMatrix Ctl.Clipboard A
(when pattern edit mode is off)
lctrl - lshift - u
lshift - 2
Copy controller port+type to ModMatrix Ctl.Clipboard B
(when pattern edit mode is off)
lctrl - fDetail-edit value
lctrl - zToggle note on / off or detail-edit value
(lctrl - y on german kbd)
lctrl - \ (UK kbd)Toggle timing view
(lctrl - < on german kbd)
(lctrl - - on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(lctrl - / on US kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
lctrl - lshift - \ (UK kbd)Toggle timing view move lock
(lctrl - lshift - < on german kbd)
(lctrl - lshift - - on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(lctrl - lshift - / on US PC kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
lctrl - yUndo
(lctrl - z on german kbd)
lctrl - lshift - yRedo
(lctrl - lshift - z on german kbd)
lctrl - lshift - TABToggle envelope view
lctrl - lshift - xToggle focus envelope view edit mode widget
lctrl - x TABToggle pattern / play / arp views
lctrl - x BACKSPACEToggle ignore prgchg / mute mode
lctrl - x INSERTToggle follow-replay edit mode
lctrl - x DELETESwap lshift INSERT/DELETE behaviour
lctrl - x `Toggle piano widget
(lctrl - x - ^ on german kbd)
lctrl - x 0Show Note Randomizer dialog
Tracker Node Editor: Edit keyboard shortcuts

6.3.2 Cursor

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - cOpen Cursor pulldown menu
lctrl - x qToggle autoscroll mode
lctrl - x rToggle wrap-around mode
lshift - TABMove cursor to previous track
TABMove cursor to next track
lctrl - LEFTMove cursor to first cel or previous track
lctrl - RIGHTMove cursor to next cel or next track
UPMove cursor to previous row
PAGEUPMove cursor n rows up and align
lctrl - UPMove cursor n rows up
DOWNMove cursor to next row
PAGEDOWNMove cursor n rows down and align
lctrl - DOWNMove cursor n rows down
lshift - HOMEMove cursor to first row
lshift - ENDMove cursor to last row
LEFTMove cursor to previous cel
RIGHTMove cursor to next cel
lctrl - lalt - LEFTMove cursor to previous column group
lctrl - lalt - RIGHTMove cursor to next column group
lctrl - PAGEUPMove cursor to previous event
lctrl - PAGEDOWNMove cursor to next event
lctrl - x SPACEShow cel select / edit / add / delete dialog
Tracker Node Editor: Cursor keyboard shortcuts

6.3.3 Replay

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - rOpen Replay pulldown menu
lctrl - RETURNSet replay pattern (and update current replay loop)
RETURNPlay step OR undo+restart recording
lshift - RETURNPlay note cel and cycle
SPACEStart / stop pattern replay OR start block loop (when block is selected)
lctrl - SPACEStart / stop pattern replay from current row
lctrl - x wToggle stop-and-goto-bookmark mode
lshift - SPACESet (editor) pattern replay start offset OR queue block loop (during block replay)
lctrl - lshift - SPACEToggle ignore-prgchg and follow-replay-pattern (follow arranger)
RSHIFTStart recording (press RETURN to undo+restart)
Tracker Node Editor: Replay keyboard shortcuts

6.3.4 Track

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - tOpen Track pulldown menu
lctrl - x sEdit track layout
lctrl - x iAdd cel
lctrl - x nAdd note cel
lctrl - x pToggle all VEL and DUR ctl styles (bar4hex, hi_nibblehex)
lctrl - x [Toggle alternative cel styles
(lctrl - x ü on german kbd)
lshift - eReverse track
lshift - oRotate track up
lshift - pRotate track down
lctrl - x lLock keyjazz to current track and node
lctrl - x kAuto-colorize cels (preserves custom cel colors)
\Insert all-track-notes-off special note (===)
(# on german and UK kbds)
lshift - \Insert all-MIDI-channel-notes-off special note (###)
(lshift - # on german and UK kbds)
kEdit track sound (SysEx, NodeAnalogRytm, or Eureka sample / plugin)
Tracker Node Editor: Track keyboard shortcuts

6.3.5 Pattern

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - pOpen Pattern pulldown menu
lctrl - nCreate new pattern
lctrl - lshift - nCreate new pattern (sub)
lctrl - rClone pattern
lctrl - lshift - rClone pattern (sub)
lctrl - x F3Free pattern
lshift - BACKSPACEClear pattern
lctrl - x cStart output capture (aligned to bar start, stops when replay is stopped)
lctrl - x vPaste output capture buffer to current pattern (note: buffer is shared between all nodes)
lctrl - x \ (UK kbd)Export pattern to output capture buffer
(lctrl - x < on german kbd)
(lctrl - x - on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(lctrl - x / on US kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
lshift - F7Import pattern from AnalogRytm node (pattern clipboard)
lshift - F8Import pattern from TrigSeq node (current play pattern)
lshift - F9Import pattern from Monitor node (pattern clipboard)
lctrl - lshift - F9Import Standard MIDI File (.mid) (can also be imported via drag'n'drop)
ENDEdit previous pattern (-1)
lctrl - ENDEdit previous pattern (-4)
HOMEEdit next pattern (+1)
lctrl - HOMEEdit next pattern (+4)
lctrl - lEdit pattern length
lctrl - lshift - lSet pattern length to cursor position
lshift - nEdit pattern name (focus widget)
lctrl - pDouble pattern length
lctrl - lshift - pDouble pattern length and duplicate events
lctrl - x eReverse pattern
lctrl - x PAGEUPRotate pattern up
lctrl - x PAGEDOWNRotate pattern down
lshift - tTrim pattern start to cursor
Tracker Node Editor: Pattern keyboard shortcuts

6.3.6 Events

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - vOpen Events pulldown menu
lctrl - BACKSPACEDelete cel envelope
DELETEDelete step (current ctl) or clear block
lctrl - DELETEDelete tick (current ctl) or clear block
lshift - DELETEDelete step or block (all ctls)
lctrl - lshift - DELETEDelete tick (all ctls)
\ (UK kbd)Clear event or clear block (when there is a selection)
(< on german PC kbd)
(/ on US PC kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(- on german PC kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
lshift - \ (UK kbd)Clear event(s) (all ctls)
(lshift - < on german PC kbd)
(lshift - - on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(lshift - / on US kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
INSERTInsert step (current ctl)
lctrl - INSERTInsert tick (current ctl)
lshift - INSERTInsert step (all ctls)
lctrl - lshift - INSERTInsert tick (all ctls)
lctrl - x mShow Multiply delta times by constant dialog
lctrl - x fCalc delay ticks (microshift to CTL_DELAY)
lctrl - x RCTRLToggle recording pre-count
lctrl - x RSHIFTToggle note-off recording
lctrl - x /Toggle CTL_DUR recording
(lctrl - x - - on german kbd)
lctrl - x RETURNToggle quantized recording
lctrl - x hToggle audio latency compensated recording (see prefs)
lctrl - x UPIncrease step or block controller value(s) (coarse)
lctrl - x DOWNDecrease step or block controller value(s) (coarse)
lctrl - x RIGHTIncrease step or block controller value(s) (fine)
lctrl - x LEFTDecrease step or block controller value(s) (fine)
lctrl - oCopy MIDI controller output state to current track step
lshift - sNo Selection: Toggle slide (note overlap) Selection: Sort Notes (+velocity / duration)
Tracker Node Editor: Events keyboard shortcuts

6.3.7 Block

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - bOpen Block pulldown menu
lctrl - x bCycle through block modes (CTL, TRACK, PATTERN)
lctrl - bSet block start
lctrl - eSet block end
lctrl - aSelect entire pattern or none
lshift - <CURSOR>Set selection
lctrl - cCopy block or pattern (when there is no selection)
lctrl - vPaste block (replace) or paste pattern (when there is no selection)
lctrl - lshift - vPaste block (insert) or paste pattern (when there is no selection)
lshift - F2Transpose block up
lshift - F1Transpose block down
lshift - F3Free envelope(s) (depends on block mode)
lctrl - lshift - UPMove block up one step
lctrl - lshift - LEFTMove block up one tick
lctrl - lshift - DOWNMove block down one step
lctrl - lshift - RIGHTMove block down one tick
lctrl - lshift - aQuantize block or pattern (when there is no selection)
(either hard quantize, or show advanced quantization dialog, depending on last choice)
lctrl - iInterpolate controller values (current ctl)
Tracker Node Editor: Block keyboard shortcuts

6.3.8 Instrument

Key SequenceDescription
lalt - iOpen Instrument pulldown menu
lctrl - TABToggle pattern / instrument views
F1KeyJazz octave up
F2KeyJazz octave down
lshift - wEnter default velocity (focus widget)
lctrl - [Select previous instrument
(lctrl - ü on german kbd)
lctrl - ]Select next instrument
(lctrl - + on german kbd)
lshift - fEnter instrument nr (focus widget)
lctrl - F12Toggle keyjazz mode
lctrl - x aSelect keyjazz instrument from current step and toggle edit mode
OR show audio dialog (when there's no CTL_INSTR event on current step)
1In InstrumentView: focus instruments table
2In InstrumentView: focus instrument name textfield
3In InstrumentView: focus params table
4In InstrumentView: focus param name textfield
5In InstrumentView: focus param type combobox
RIGHTIn InstrumentView: focus param table when instrument table has focus
LEFTIn InstrumentView: focus instrument table when param table has focus
kEdit instrument sound (SysEx, NodeAnalogRytm, or Eureka sample / plugin)
Tracker Node Editor: Instrument keyboard shortcuts

6.4 TrigSeq

6.4.1 General

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - 1Switch to Pattern tab
lctrl - 2Switch to Grid tab
lctrl - 3Switch to Play tab
aShow context menu
fFold / unfold tracks
tShow track setup dialog
eShow euclidean rhythm dialog
LCTRL(Hold) Force MIDI note step recording (e.g. in CHROMATIC output mode)
hold to paint velocities
LSHIFThold to paint mod1 (press both mouse buttons to clear)
LALThold to paint mod2 (press both mouse buttons to clear)
RCTRLToggle MIDI live recording
uUndo / Redo
lshift - F7Import pattern from AnalogRytm node (pattern clipboard)
lshift - F9Import pattern from Monitor node (pattern clipboard)
lctrl - TABCycle Step Details display mode
TrigSeq Node Editor: General keyboard shortcuts

6.4.2 Track

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - F3Clear track
lshift - BACKSPACEClear track
BACKSPACEClear track trigs+repeats
lalt - BACKSPACEClear track microtime
lctrl - BACKSPACEClear track arg1+arg2
lctrl - lalt - BACKSPACEClear track mod1+mod2
lshift - lalt - BACKSPACEClear track + mod init
rReverse track trigs
jRandomize track trigs
lctrl - jRandomize repeats
lshift - jRandomize arg1 (velocity)
kEdit track sound (SysEx, NodeAnalogRytm, or Eureka sample / plugin)
lshift - kLoad arg2 identity (0, 1, 2, ..)
oRotate track left
pRotate track right
INSERTInsert step
DELETEDelete step
lshift - PAGEUPIncrement length
lshift - PAGEDOWNDecrement length
sSolo track
dMute track
lctrl - lFocus track length widget
PAGEUPIncrement track length
PAGEDOWNDecrement track length
lctrl - aFocus arg3 widget
lctrl - lFocus play_length widget
lctrl - hFocus swing amount widget
lctrl - tFocus note length widget
lshift - xCut to track clipboard
lshift - cCopy to track clipboard
lshift - vPaste track clipboard
lctrl - lshift - vPaste track clipboard to all patterns (show dialog)
lalt - LEFTDecrease default note duration
lalt - RIGHTIncrease default note duration
TrigSeq Node Editor: Track keyboard shortcuts

6.4.3 Pattern

Key SequenceDescription
lshift - F3Clear pattern
lctrl - lshift - BACKSPACEClear pattern
lshift - rReverse pattern
lshift - oRotate pattern left
lshift - pRotate pattern right
lshift - INSERTInsert step on all tracks
lshift - DELETEDelete step on all tracks
lctrl - wCut pattern to clipboard
lctrl - cCopy pattern to clipboard
lctrl - vPaste pattern clipboard
lctrl - rClone pattern
lctrl - lshift - rClone pattern (sub)
lctrl - x gGuess note-name profile id from output port(s)
lctrl - x mRemap tracks to current note-name profile
lctrl - x tTry revert to global output (when all tracks+patterns output to same port)
lctrl - x cStart output capture (aligned to bar start, stops when replay is stopped)
lctrl - x vPaste output capture buffer to current pattern (note: buffer is shared between all nodes)
TrigSeq Node Editor: Pattern keyboard shortcuts

6.4.4 Step

Key SequenceDescription
LEFTMove cursor left
RIGHTMove cursor right
UPMove cursor up
DOWNMove cursor down
lshift - HOMEMove cursor to first track
lshift - ENDMove cursor to last track
lctrl - LEFTMove step left
lctrl - RIGHTMove step right
lctrl - UPMove step up
lctrl - DOWNMove step down
SPACEToggle trig
lctrl - SPACEToggle repeat
lctrl - lshift - SPACEToggle follow arranger mode
RETURNPlay step (all tracks)
wPlay track trigger
lshift - wPlay step (current track, even if track is muted)
xCut step to clipboard
cCopy step to clipboard
vPaste step clipboard
1Set step arg1 (velocity index) to 0
2Set step arg1 (velocity index) to 1
3Set step arg1 (velocity index) to 2
4Set step arg1 (velocity index) to 3
5Select previous stepdetails view
6Select next stepdetails view
lctrl - x RIGHTIncrement step arg2 (e.g. note duration) by 1
lctrl - x UPIncrement step arg2 (e.g. note duration) by 4
lctrl - x LEFTDecrement step arg2 (e.g. note duration) by 1
lctrl - x DOWNDecrement step arg2 (e.g. note duration) by 4
lshift - LEFTMicrotime-shift step to the left
lshift - RIGHTMicrotime-shift step to the right
hToggle microtime limit (full step or 1/4 step)
TrigSeq Node Editor: Step keyboard shortcuts

6.4.5 Track Setup Dialog

Key SequenceDescription
ESCAPEClose dialog
1Focus-cycle mod1 widgets
2Focus-cycle mod2 widgets
aFocus arg3
cFocus close button
dFocus tick duration
fFocus-cycle forced-output widgets
jFocus-cycle jitter widgets
mFocus-cycle forced-mod-output widgets
rFocus-cycle repeat widgets
sFocus microshift
tFocus-cycle transform widgets
vFocus-cycle velocity 0..3 widgets
TrigSeq Node Editor: Track Setup Dialog keyboard shortcuts

6.5 CtlMorph

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - 1Switch to Pattern tab
lctrl - 2Switch to Controllers tab
lctrl - 3Switch to Play tab
aShow group tools menu
cCopy entry to clipboard
lshift - cCopy group to clipboard
vPaste entry clipboard
lshift - vPaste group clipboard
INSERTAdd new entry
lshift - INSERTClone selected entry
DELETEDelete selected entry
lctrl - oUpdate entries from current controller output state
lctrl - lshift - oUpdate entries from current controller output state (all groups)
lctrl - gShow cyclic morph dialog
lshift - rGroup reset (reset to center values)
lctrl - eQuery remote controller targets (Eureka mod matrix)
lctrl - fQuery remote controller values (Eureka mod matrix)
lctrl - tQuery remote controller names (Eureka mod matrix)
lctrl - qQuery all remote controller targets+names+values (Eureka mod matrix)
lctrl - UPMove selected entry up
lctrl - DOWNMove selected entry down
CtlMorph Node Editor: General keyboard shortcuts
The Query Remote functions look at the first output entry to determine the (VST) device and MIDI channel

6.6 Freeform

6.6.1 General

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - 1Switch to Ports tab
lctrl - 2Switch to Pattern tab
lctrl - 3Switch to Sequence tab
lctrl - 4Switch to Play tab
lctrl - lshift - cCopy pattern to clipboard (differs from usual lctrl - c shortcut)
aShow context or selection menu
fToggle track focus
wArm / Disarm track
q(Un-)Focus track quantization amount widget
lctrl - yUndo (lctrl - z on german kbd)
lctrl - lshift - yRedo (lctrl - lshift - z on german kbd)
TABToggle Notes view
lctrl - x RALTToggle step-recording
z OR k OR CAPSLOCKToggle step-recording (y on german kbd)
Freeform Node Editor: General keyboard shortcuts

6.6.2 Sequence

Key SequenceDescription
lshift-BACKSPACEClear track
lctrl-lshift-BACKSPACEClear pattern
LEFTMove cursor left
StepRec Mode: Move recording cursor to previous 16th
lshift - LEFTMove cursor left and expand selection
StepRec Mode: Move recording cursor to previous 32th
RIGHTMove cursor right
StepRec Mode: Move recording cursor to next 16th
lshift - RIGHTMove cursor right and expand selection
StepRec Mode: Move recording cursor to next 32th
UPMove cursor up
StepRec Mode: Move recording cursor to previous quarter note
lshift - UPMove cursor up and expand selection
lctrl - UPY-expand selection and move cursor to first track
DOWNMove cursor down
StepRec Mode: Move recording cursor to next quarter note
lshift - DOWNMove cursor down and expand selection
lctrl - DOWNY-expand selection and move cursor to last track
lctrl - LEFTMove cursor home
lctrl - lshift - LEFTMove cursor home and expand selection
PAGEUPMove cursor left 8 bars
lshift - PAGEUPMove cursor left 8 bars and expand selection
PAGEDOWNMove cursor right 8 bars
lshift - PAGEDOWNMove cursor right 8 bars and expand selection
1Loop 1 bar
2Loop 2 bars
3Loop 4 bars
4Loop 8 bars
aShow context menu
lctrl - aSelect used bars on current track, on all tracks, or select nothing (cycle)
lctrl - lshift - aFreeze quantization (selection or cursor bar)
cLoop selection
lctrl - cCopy selection to clipboard
lctrl - x cStart output capture (aligned to bar start, stops when replay is stopped)
lctrl - x vPaste output capture buffer to current pattern (note: buffer is shared between all nodes)
lctrl - x \ (UK kbd)Export selection to output capture buffer
(lctrl - x < on german PC kbd)
(lctrl - x - on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(lctrl - x / on US kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
lshift - F9Paste NodeMonitor clipboard to current pattern
lctrl - lshift - F9Import Standard MIDI File (.mid) (can also be imported via drag'n'drop)
dMute / Unmute track
eSet Punch In / Out to selection
\'Detail-Edit in Tracker node
ä on german kbd
note: copies <swing> autodev b (when used)
lctrl - eExport selection to Monitor clipboard
lctrl - lshift - eExport selection to new Tracker node
lctrl - x eExport pattern to new sub-song (show dialog)
fToggle track focus
lshift - fMIDI-Filter selection (show dialog)
lctrl - fSet view to replay position
lctrl - lshift -fToggle autoscroll
lctrl - x fToggle auto-focus / auto-rec
gSet view to replay position
iSet Punch In to cursor
lctrl - x lSet left loop locator to cursor
lctrl - jCreate velocity * modwheel modmatrix/modmatrices for selected track output port(s)
(modwheel input read from last selected track port)
lctrl - lshift - jCreate modwheel + modwheel2delta modmatrix/modmatrices for selected track output port(s)
(modwheel2 input read from last selected track port. centerpos = no change)
kEdit track sound (SysEx, NodeAnalogRytm, or Eureka sample / plugin)
lctrl - lCreate velocity curve modmatrix/modmatrices for selected track output port(s)
lctrl - lshift - lCreate velocity randomization modmatrix/modmatrices for selected track output port(s)
lctrl - mMix-Paste clipboard
oSet Punch Out to cursor
lctrl - oInsert output states of selected tracks (MIDI cache)
lctrl - lshift -oClear output states of selected tracks (MIDI cache)
pShow bar program change dialog
lshift - pDelete bar program change
\ (UK kbd)Insert output states of selected tracks (MIDI cache)
(< on german kbd)
(- on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(/ on US kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
lshift - \ (UK kbd)Clear output states of selected tracks (MIDI cache)
(lshift - < on german kbd)
(lshift - - on german kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
(lshift - / on US kbd with UI.b_key_map_slash_to_less==true)
[Half grid note length (ü on german kbd)
]Double grid note length (+ on german kbd)
wArm / Disarm track
q(Un-)Focus track quantization amount widget
lctrl - qFreeze quantization (selection or cursor bar)
rMove loop to cursor
lctrl - x rSet right loop locator to cursor
sToggle solo track
tSet left loop locator to cursor
lctrl - x hClear undo / redo history
lctrl - vPaste clipboard (replace)
lshift - vPaste clipboard (insert)
lshift - cCopy I/O Port to clipboard
lshift - tPaste I/O Port from clipboard
ySet right loop locator to cursor (z on german kbd)
INSERTInsert bar(s) on selected track(s)
lctrl - INSERTInsert bar(s) on selected track(s) including tempo
DELETEClear or Delete selected frames, notes, or bars
lshift - DELETEDelete selected bars
lctrl - DELETEDelete selected bars including tempo (when selection contains no events)
lctrl - lshift - DELETEDelete selected bars including tempo
RALTEnable step-recording (momentary switch)
lctrl - x RALTToggle step-recording
zToggle step-recording (y on german kbd)
xToggle extended block selection mode (lctrl-lshift-<cursor> keys)
RCTRLArm / Disarm node
lshift - RCTRLToggle replace / overdub recording mode
lctrl - x RCTRLToggle recording pre-count
lctrl - x BACKSPACEToggle ignore-seek-prgchg-mute
RSHIFTStart / Stop Recording (auto-arm node)
RETURNSynchronized record-restart at next bar (while recording is active)
SPACEToggle Replay
lctrl-SPACEToggle Replay (leave cursor at replay position)
Freeform Node Editor: Sequence Tab keyboard shortcuts

6.6.3 Sequence Frames/Tempo

Key SequenceDescription
bEdit bar BPM
hToggle snap-bar-handle-to-frame
mMerge selected frames
.Move selected frames left by one tick
lshift - .Move selected frames left by 64th note
lctrl - .Move selected frames left and snap to 32th note
/Move selected frames right by one tick (- on german kbd)
lshift - /Move selected frames right by 64th note (lshift - - on german kbd)
lctrl - /Move selected frames right and snap to 32th note (lctrl - - on german kbd)
RALTEnable step-recording (momentary switch) + position recording cursor via mouse
mouse MMBsame as RALT. hold lctrl or LMB to snap step-rec position to 16th note.
lctrl - x RALTToggle step-recording
z OR k or CAPSLOCKToggle step-recording (y on german kbd)
mouse WHEELUPSelect previous bar
Selection: lazy-reduce to first frame / audition previous frame
Mouse over selection: Move selected frames left by one tick
mouse WHEELDOWNSelect next bar
Selection: lazy-reduce to first frame / audition next frame
Mouse over selection: Move selected frames right by one tick
mouse lctrl - WHEELUPSnap-Move selected frames left
mouse lctrl - WHEELDOWNSnap-Move selected frames right
mouse lshift - WHEELUPMove selected frames left by 1/64
mouse lshift - WHEELDOWNMove selected frames right by 1/64
mouse RMB dragScroll horizontally
mouse LMB click(De-)Select frame near mouse
mouse LMB dragMove selected frames or create new selection
mouse lctrl - LMB dragSnap-move selected frames
Freeform Node Editor: Sequence Tab Frames/Tempo view keyboard shortcuts

6.6.4 Sequence Notes

Key SequenceDescription
DELETEDelete selected notes
RALTEnable step-recording (momentary switch) + position recording cursor via mouse
mouse MMBsame as RALT. hold lctrl or LMB to snap step-rec position to 16th note.
lctrl - x RALTToggle step-recording
z OR k or CAPSLOCKToggle step-recording (y on german kbd)
mouse WHEELUPSelect previous bar
Mouse over note: Move selected notes left by one tick
mouse WHEELDOWNSelect next bar
Mouse over note: Move selected notes right by one tick
mouse lctrl - WHEELUPNo Selection: Increase note offset (scroll)
mouse lctrl - WHEELDOWNNo Selection: Decrease note offset (scroll)
mouse lctrl - lshift - WHEELUPIncrease note zoom
mouse lctrl - lshift - WHEELDOWNDecrease note zoom
mouse lalt - WHEELUPSelection: Move selected notes left by one tick
mouse lalt - WHEELDOWNSelection: Move selected notes right by one tick
mouse lctrl - WHEELUPSelection: Snap-Move selected notes left
mouse lctrl - WHEELDOWNSelection: Snap-Move selected notes right
mouse RMB dragScroll horizontally, vertically, or scale note velocities
mouse lalt - RMB dragOffset note velocities
mouse LMB click(De-)Select note near mouse
mouse LMB doubleclickFit notes to view or select (chord-)notes near mouse position
mouse LMB dragMove selected notes, modify note duration(s), or create new selection
mouse lshift - LMB dragModify note duration(s)
mouse lctrl - LMB dragSnap-move selected notes
Freeform Node Editor: Sequence Tab Notes view keyboard shortcuts
quick-undo during mouse drag: click the "other" mouse button (RMB when drag was started with LMB and vice versa)
hold LMB then press RMB to undo
hold RMB then press LMB to redo

6.7 ModMatrix

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - 1Select Pattern tab
lctrl - 2Select Macro Ctl tab
lctrl - 3Select Entries tab
lctrl - 4Select Curves tab
lctrl - 5
lctrl - x TAB

Select Play tab
lctrl - eEdit script for selected pattern
lctrl - lshift - e
lctrl - p

Init script from selected pattern and edit it
lctrl - fEdit script for selected entry
INSERTCreate new entry
lshift - INSERTClone selected entry
lctrl - INSERTShow Paste menu
DELETEDelete selected entry
lctrl - UPMove selected entry up
lctrl - DOWNMove selected entry down
lshift - cCopy selected entry to clipboard
lshift - vPaste clipboard to selected entry
lctrl - qEnable / disable selected entry
lshift - BACKSPACEClear pattern (remove all entries)
ModMatrix Node Editor: keyboard shortcuts

6.7.1 Entry script dialog

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - f

Close dialog
UPEdit previous entry
DOWNEdit next entry
ModMatrix Node Editor: entry script dialog keyboard shortcuts

6.7.2 Pattern script dialog

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - f
lctrl - p

Close dialog
Init script from current pattern
ModMatrix Node Editor: pattern script dialog keyboard shortcuts

6.8 Monitor

Key SequenceDescription
lctrl - 1Select Pattern tab
lctrl - 2Select Monitor tab
lctrl - 3Select Play tab
INSERTDelete frames before last marker and go to next pattern (clone)
lctrl - INSERTDelete frames before last marker and go to next pattern (clone + sub)
lctrl - UP(patch view) move pattern up
lctrl - DOWN(patch view) move pattern down
f(patch view) set input filter from first event
c(patch view) set pattern name from detected chord
q(patch view) send SysEx request
lctrl - q(patch view) send SysEx request (clear pattern + select FrameRec)
DELETE(patch view) delete pattern
rtoggle replay (return to start)
lshift - rtoggle replay
lctrl - lshift - SPACEToggle follow arranger mode
dToggle lock current frame
lctrl - fToggle freeze
hDelete frames before last marker and go to next pattern
lshift - hDelete frames before last marker and go to next pattern (sub)
uClear and restart recording
BACKSPACE(when locked) Clear current frame
LEFT(when locked) Go to previous frame
lctrl - LEFTGo to previous marker
RIGHT(when locked) Go to next frame
lctrl - RIGHTGo to next marker
lshift - BACKSPACEClear current pattern
lctrl - DELETEDelete frames before current
lctrl - TABToggle patch view
PAGEUPSelect previous mode (Replay, Monitor(FrameRec), Monitor(FramePlay), Monitor(FrameRec+Play)
PAGEDOWNSelect next mode
DELETE(replay mode) Delete current frame
BACKSPACE(replay mode) Clear current frame
LEFT(replay mode) Select previous frame
RIGHT(replay mode) Select next frame
UP(replay mode) Select next frame
DOWN(replay mode) Select previous frame
a(replay mode) Show Tools menu
e(replay mode) Merge frames (show dialog)
j(replay mode) Merge frames (show dialog) (marker only)
f(replay mode) Fix duration (show dialog)
v(replay mode) Fix velocity (show dialog)
w(replay mode) Repeat-Play current frame
s(replay mode) Toggle scrub-mode
k(replay mode) Trim to punch in/out
l(replay mode) Delete frames before last marker
b(replay mode) Fit BPM
lshift - LEFT(replay mode) Move frame left
lshift - RIGHT(replay mode) Move frame right
lctrl - w(replay mode) Freeze (apply) replay filter
DELETE(record mode) Delete pattern events
i(record mode) Punch in
o(record mode) Punch out
p(record mode) Punch in or out
e(record mode) Switch to replay mode and Merge frames (show dialog)
j(record mode) Switch to replay mode and Merge frames (show dialog) (marker only)
f(record mode) Switch to replay mode and Fix duration (show dialog)
v(record mode) Switch to replay mode and Fix velocity (show dialog)
k(record mode) Switch to replay mode and Trim to punch in/out
l(record mode) Switch to replay mode and Delete frames before last marker
tToggle or queue marker
RCTRLToggle record mode
lshift - RCTRLSelect next mode
lctrl - x RCTRLToggle replay-sync mode (see note below)
RSHIFTClear pattern and restart recording
when "replay-sync" is enabled, the time offset relative to the replay(/record) start is recorded in the Monitor pattern.
for example, when recording automation via a Monitor node that shall later be imported into e.g. a Tracker node, this
should set to "enable" via lctrl - x RCTRL. This causes a marker frame to be inserted at the beginning of the recording.
the (per-pattern) "Input Filter" setting can be used to restrict recording to certain devices / channels

6.9 Modular

Key SequenceDescription
Show / Hide connection lines
lctrl - x cStart output capture (aligned to bar start, stops when replay is stopped)
lctrl - 1Select Pattern tab
lctrl - 2Select I/O tab
lctrl - 3Select Patch tab
lctrl - 4Select Play tab
Modular Node Editor: Keyboard shortcuts

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